NL Fineffect Active Plus Conditioner Concentrate 1000ml

NL Fineffect Active Plus Conditioner Concentrate 1000ml / 33.81oz

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Conditioner with a safe composition refreshes and softens linen, has an antistatic effect and facilitates ironing.
Helps to preserve the appearance and properties of linen.
Suitable for hand and machine washing, white, colored and black linen, all types of fabrics.
Suitable for rinsing baby clothes from the first days of life.
Bottle neck with spout and measuring cap for easy dosing.
It has a delicate aroma of coconut.
Does not contain parabens and phosphates.
Composition: ≥ 50% purified water; ≥ 5% but < 15% cationic surfactants; < 5%: glycerin, flavor (benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate, coumarin), preservative.
Before washing, be sure to read the information on the product label.
Machine wash: Pour the conditioner into a special compartment before washing clothes: for softness and freshness of clothes - 20 ml, for extra softness and aroma - 30 ml.
Hand wash: dilute 20 ml of concentrate in 10 liters of water when rinsing. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and dry the laundry. Do not apply on dry clothes!
To dispense the conditioner, use a measuring cap (the full volume of the cap is 40 ml, half is 20 ml).
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