Organic People & Fruit Laundry soap Organic Olive 500ml

Organic People Laundry soap Organic Olive 500ml / 16.90oz

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Bio Laundry soap with organic olive is an environmentally friendly, multifunctional and natural detergent for safe and effective cleaning. Created on the basis of organic olive oil, it perfectly and gently cleanses any surfaces, plumbing and all types of floors. Suitable for washing dishes. Ideal for hand washing. It has a delicate aroma and forms a rich foam. Suitable for sensitive hands, moisturizes and nourishes it, preventing irritation. To achieve ideal purity, it is not necessary to use aggressive household chemicals. The best way to make a house clean is natural, pleasant and really effective. ORGANIC PEOPLE & FRUIT.
99.5% of natural components
environmentally friendly detergent
for dish washing
for cleaning any surfaces
for washing floors
for washing
Does not contain hazardous chemicals: parabens, SLS, EDTA and NTA, Petroleum products, Phosphates, Phthalates, Phenols, Sulfates, Formaldehyde.
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