NL Fineffect Japanese Concentrated Laundry Aquapowder 700g

NL Fineffect Japanese Concentrated Laundry Aquapowder 700g

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Concentrated Aquapowder for washing white, colored and black clothes. Japanese formula with enzymes effectively removes a variety of dirt, including stubborn stains at a temperature of 25°C, is quickly dissolved and does not leave a trace on laundry after rinsing.
Concentrated Aquapowder is suitable for washing white, colored and black linen. Japanese formula contains enzymes that effectively remove organic dirt even at low temperatures, as well as flavonoids synthesized from green tea, which reduce the risk of allergic reactions and possess antibacterial properties.
Aquapowder is intended for soaking, hand and machine washing (for all types of washing machines). Recognizes and removes stubborn stains. It does not contain phosphates and easily washes out of laundry. It has gentle berry and fruit fragrance.
  • Phosphate-free
  • No chlorine bleach
  • Enzymes for complex contaminants
  • Flavonoids against bacteria

Composition: > 30% sodium carbonate, 15–30% sodium chloride, 5–15% nonionic surfactant polyoxyethylene alkyl ether, 5–15% anionic surfactant linear alkylbenzenesulfonate, 5–15% sodium sulfate, 5–15% sodium hydrogen carbonate, 5–15% sodium percarbonate (oxygen bleach), < 5% zeolites, < 5% enzymes, < 5% flavonoids, < 5% fragrance.
The best effect is achieved by washing in warm water at a temperature of up to 40 °C. When washing by hand place items in water only after complete dissolving of aquapowder. It is not recommended for washing items made of natural wool, silk, fur and leather.
Check the label on clothes before washing. The product includes Oxygen bleach. Make sure that the product does not harm your clothes: apply a small quantity of water-foamed aquapowder to a hidden piece of clothes, wait for 5 minutes, then rinse. You are not recommended to use it if the clothes color has faded.
When washing delicate fabrics, set the appropriate washing mode.
It is recommended to soak heavily soiled clothes in advance, especially those with stubborn stains. If at the same time you decide to use a stain remover, you should better choose an oxygen-based one.
Product Dosage
Machine washing:
1-3 kg - 21g or ½ of dosing spoon*
3-7kg - 45g or 1 dosing spoon *
7-10kg - 65g or 1½ dosing spoon*
10-14kg - 70g or 2 dosing spoons*
Hand washing and soaking:
10g or ¼ of dosing spoon* of aquapowder per 10 liters of water
* There is a dosing spoon inside the package. The capacity of the dosing spoon is ~ 40g of aquapowder.

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