Agafia's Gel for washing dishes based on baking soda 500ml / 16.90 fl.oz.

Agafia's Gel for washing dishes based on baking soda 500ml / 16.90oz

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Natural hypoallergenic eco dishwashing gel based on baking soda is brewed with soul and care according to the recipes of Agafya Tikhonovna Ermakova. It contains natural ingredients, the effectiveness of which has been proven for centuries. Ideal for washing dishes, fruits, vegetables and children's dishes. Perfectly dissolves grease and removes various contaminants even in cold water. Birch bark has been used in folk medicine for centuries. With the help of modern technologies, we have obtained an extract with a high level of betulin contained in birch, a unique natural antiseptic with a proven antiviral and antibacterial effect. Silver water contains silver ions, which provide a bactericidal effect. It was on it that the entire series of household chemicals from grandmother Agafya was made! Natural baking soda is a traditional product that washes dishes to a shine and squeak, perfectly cleans metal utensils, pans, pots and silverware. White currant extract has an antioxidant effect, softens and prevents the feeling of dryness, providing reliable protection to hands while washing dishes. Lemon juice has an antibacterial effect and gives a pleasant aroma.
Ø Adds shine to dishes
Ø Safe for washing baby dishes, baby bottles and toys;
Ø Has a pleasant aroma
Ø Does not dry the skin of the hands
Ingredients: Water (enriched with silver ions Ag+), 5-15% anionic surfactant, <5% non-ionic surfactant, common salt, sodium bicarbonate (natural baking soda), betulin, lemon juice, white currant extract, citric acid, perfume composition, preservative , limonene.
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