Mi&ko Gel for sanitary ware Pure Water 500ml

Mi&ko Gel for sanitary ware Pure Water 500ml / 16.90oz

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Economical and eco-friendly Pure Water unscented sanitary ware gel - effectively removes dirt of varying degrees from sanitary ware, tiles and tiles. The natural composition works with maximum effect, while not harming nature. And the absence of essential oils makes it possible to use the remedy for people with hypersensitivity.
100% natural ingredients
Easily removes soap and lime deposits on sanitary ware, showers and jacuzzis
Disinfectant effect
Why Pure Water Sanitary Gel?
Suitable for: acrylic and enameled bathtubs, showers, whirlpools, tiles, tiles, steel and chrome
Removes: dirt, stains, soap and lime deposits. Does not harm septic tanks
Fights: Rust and odor
Has: antimicrobial and disinfectant effect
Free of: Harsh chemicals, refined petroleum products, chlorine, chemical fragrances, dyes, SLS, EDTA, NTA
Safe: for nature and man
Eco-friendly: completely biodegradable
How to use: apply the gel on the surface, leave for 7-10 minutes, rinse with water, use a sponge if necessary.
Precautions: use gloves, do not inhale, keep out of reach of children, do not mix with other products, use as directed. In case of hypersensitivity, use respiratory protection, avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes. In case of contact with eyes or mucous membranes, rinse with water and seek medical advice, showing the label.
Ingredients: artesian water, citric acid, non-ionic surfactants <5%, sodium citrate, xanthan gum.
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