Mi&ko Baby Laundry Detergent Pure Water 800g

Mi&ko Baby Laundry Detergent Pure Water 800g

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Pure water for kids concentrate is a product specially developed for this purpose. 800 grams of concentrate replaces 5 kilograms of conventional powder. It is created on the basis of soda and soap, does not contain aggressive surfactants and fragrances, therefore it is absolutely safe, does not cause allergies and completely decomposes in the environment.
Fragrance-free - does not cause allergies.
Based on soda and natural soap - completely washed out with water from children's clothes.
Does not contain - aggressive chemicals, SLS, EDTA, NTA, petroleum products, phosphates, chlorine, synthetic fragrances and dyes, optical brighteners, enzymes.
100% Biodegradable - protects the health of the baby, does not form an airtight film on the surface of things, does not harm the environment.
Carefully cares for children's things - softens water and provides delicate washing while preserving the color and structure of things.
How to use: Designed for washing at 40-90°C.
Machine wash: add the required amount of powder to the drum of the washing machine. (The higher the hardness of the water, the greater the consumption of the product)
Hand wash: dissolve the required amount of powder in water not lower than 40°C. Rinse the powder thoroughly.
Wash baby items separately. To soften children's clothes during washing, we recommend using the Tenderness fabric softener. Be sure to follow the washing instructions on the labels of your clothes.
* We recommend using an extra rinse cycle after the main wash, because some particularly sensitive babies react even to natural and hypoallergenic ingredients.
Ingredients: sodium salts of coconut oil fatty acids >30%, non-ionic surfactant >5% (<15%), sodium silicate >5% (<15%), soda >5% (<15%), sodium citrate <5%, sodium percarbonate <5%, carboxymethylcellulose <5%, zeolite >5% (<15%).
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