Natura Siberica Exclusive Aqua-Gel Body "Arctic Flowers" 400ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Aqua-Gel Body "Arctic Flowers" 400ml / 13.52oz

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Aqua-Gel For Body "Arctic Flowers"
Skin fragrance
Base: rose water, Sievers icy, snowy tsetrariya, vitamin B5
Easy melting texture Aqua-gel perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it soft, smooth and velvety thanks to the rose water, Extracts Sievers icy, snowy tsetrarii and vitamin B5, within its framework. Great flavor Aqua-gel will give your skin a sensual fragrance.
Rose water - this is one of the best ways to moisturize and protect the skin.
Sievers ice - a natural aphrodisiac - relieves tension and creates a sensual mood.
Tsetrariya snow has a strong rejuvenating effect, tones and refreshes the skin.
Vitamin B5 supports the natural energy balance of the skin.
100% natural base
Brewed by hand
Without SLS / SLES, parabens, synthetic fragrances and dyes
Without preservatives and silicones
Purposes of Application
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