Natura Siberica Exclusive Bath Foam Cedar 500ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Bath Foam Cedar 500ml / 16.90oz

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Cedar Bath Foam
Soft velvety foam created on the basis of the Siberian Oil hydrolyzed by traditional recipes used by the ancient peoples of Siberia. Enriched, natural vitamin E concentrates cedar Oils and flax, foam nourishes the skin, improving its tone, slows and prevents the aging process, restores youth and beauty. Rhodiola rosea and Mongolian tea increases the protective function of the skin, moisturize and regenerate, giving an extraordinary firmness and elasticity. Tsetrariya snow and arctic cloudberries supply the skin with essential vitamins, leaving a subtle sensual fragrance.
0% SLS / SLES, parabens 0%
0% synthetic fragrances and dyes
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