Natura Siberica Exclusive Body Cream "Magical Berries" 400ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Body Cream "Magical Berries" 400ml / 13.52oz

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Body Cream "Magical Berries"
Skin Tenderness
Basis: the juice of blueberries, blueberry, organic evening primrose Oil, Altai honeysuckle, D-panthenol
Incredible tenderness, firmness and softness of your skin to give a rich body cream-based juices blueberries and blueberry, organic evening primrose Oil, Extract Altai honeysuckle and D-panthenol.
Blueberries and blueberries - a storehouse of natural antioxidants, organic acids, vitamins and minerals - makes the skin smooth, silky and toned. The fruits of these berries give the skin a magical glow, reduce pores, returning natural elasticity.
Organic evening primrose Oil - a rich source of fatty acids - tones, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
Contained in the Altai honeysuckle tannins restore skin natural elasticity.
D-panthenol accelerates the regeneration of the skin, toning and renewing it.
100% natural base
Brewed by hand
Without SLS / SLES, parabens, synthetic fragrances and dyes
Without preservatives and silicones
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