Natura Siberica Exclusive Body Peeling Arctic Flowers 180ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Body Peeling Arctic Flowers 180ml / 6.08oz

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Body Peeling Arctic Flowers
Skin fragrance
Base: Sievers icy, snowy tsetrariya organic damask rose Extract, AHA acids, vitamin B5
Active formula peeling Sievers icy, snowy tsetrariey, organic damask rose Extract, AHA acids and vitamin B5 gently cleanses the skin, making it more tender and flavorful.
Sievers ice - a natural aphrodisiac - relieves tension and creates a sensual mood.
Tsetrariya snow has a strong rejuvenating effect, it tones and refreshes the skin.
AHA acids evens out skin tone, and vitamin B5 supports the natural energy balance of the skin.
The organic Extract damask rose leaves on the skin a subtle sensual fragrance.
After applying the update peeling skin will shine with beauty and health.
Produced through a unique waterless technology avoids the use of preservatives, body peeling is safe for health and the most effective.
100% natural base
Brewed by hand
Without SLS / SLES, parabens, synthetic fragrances and dyes
Without preservatives and silicones
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