Natura Siberica Exclusive Body Peeling Emerald Berries 180ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Body Peeling Emerald Berries 180ml / 6.08oz

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Body Peeling Emerald Berry
The freshness of the skin
Base: juniper berries Dahurian, seeds and leaves of green currants, gooseberries, Amur velvet, lemon balm essential Oil, AHA acids, vitamin A
Active formula peeling with berries Dahurian juniper seeds and leaves of green currants, gooseberries, Amur velvet, lemon balm essential Oil, AHA acids, vitamin A promotes soft skin purification, returns the natural elasticity and a feeling of freshness.
Daurskiy juniper - a symbol of eternal life- relieves stress and muscle tension, tightens, tones and rejuvenates the skin.
Bones leaves and green currant - a storehouse of vitamins, citric and malic acid - cleaning gently restore skin natural firmness and elasticity.
Gooseberries contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that stimulate the metabolism, promote skin renewal.
Both berries - currants and gooseberries, as well as - natural AHA acids evens out skin tone, making it a luxury.
Rich in essential Oils, Amur cork restores the natural moisture of the skin.
Essential Oil of lemon balm refreshes the skin, giving it a subtle flavor.
Vitamin A fills the skin with moisture, making it smoother and more velvety.
After applying the update peeling skin will shine with beauty and health.
Produced through a unique waterless technology avoids the use of preservatives, body peeling is safe for health and the most effective.
100% natural base
Brewed by hand
Without SLS / SLES, parabens, synthetic fragrances and dyes
Without preservatives and silicones

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