Natura Siberica Exclusive Foot Scrub Volcanic Black 180ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Foot Scrub Volcanic Black 180ml / 6.08oz

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Volcanic black Foot Scrub
The softness of the skin
Base: volcanic pumice, thermal water geysers Valley, Kamchatka volcanic clay, rock salt, D-panthenol
Active formula foot scrub by volcanic pumice, thermal water geysers Valley, Kamchatka volcanic clay mineral salt and D-panthenol helps to remove particles keratinized epidermis and removes the feeling of heaviness in the legs.
Volcanic pumice gently removes dead skin areas, and thermal water geysers valley soothes and moisturizes the skin of the feet.
Due to the high content of iron, silicon, collagen, elastin, and penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin, Kamchatka volcanic clay cleans, restores and smooths the toughest skin.
Mineral salt relieve swelling and feeling of heaviness in the legs.
D-panthenol has a healing effect.
After applying the scrub feet skin will become soft and smooth, you will have a feeling of lightness.
100% natural base
Brewed by hand
Without SLS / SLES, parabens, synthetic fragrances and dyes
Without preservatives and silicones
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