Natura Siberica Exclusive Oil Foaming Bath and Shower Siberian Iris 250ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Oil Foaming Bath and Shower Siberian Iris 250ml / 8.45oz

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Oil Foaming Bath And Shower
Siberian Iris
Luxury, fragrant Oil for the soul - a unique tool for skin care that turns showering procedure and cleanse the body in the SPA-ritual. Rich Oils of rose hips and Siberian cedar, it nourishes the skin, restoring its natural beauty and youth. Included in the lavender Oil is excellent toning and Rhodiola rosea Extract has excellent softening effect. Velvet foam gently cleanses and restores the skin, giving it a feeling of comfort and delicate aroma of the Siberian iris.
0% SLS / SLES, parabens 0%
0% synthetic fragrances and dyes
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