Natura Siberica Exclusive Siberian Oil 125ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Siberian Oil 125ml / 4.22oz

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Siberian Oil
for hair growth
Seven specially selected active Siberian Oil return scalp's natural balance, stimulate the growth of healthy and strong hair, preventing their premature loss. Actively nourishes the scalp, strengthens the hair follicle, accelerating hair growth.
Burdock Oil contains vitamins A and E, minerals, protein, natural tannins and inulin, which makes it ideal for the growth of the hair healthy and strong.
Pure sea buckthorn Oil Altai, containing 15 times more vitamin C than oranges, and necessary for the formation of the hair shaft Omega-acid at a high concentration, promotes the formation of keratin, accelerates healthy hair growth process. The effect of enhanced Oil clary sage, Siberian pine and nettle, which stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp, improves the penetration of active ingredients to the hair follicle, providing maximum funds activity.
Wheat germ Oil and Siberian flax provides deep nutrition of hair.
0% SLS / SLES, parabens 0%
0% synthetic fragrances and dyes
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