Natura Siberica Exclusive Soft Linen Soap 250ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Soft Linen Soap 250ml / 8.45oz

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Soft Linen Soap
Hair and body
Soft linen soap is specially formulated for sensitive skin care and hair care. The unique formula based on the Siberian flax and white soap root saponified Oils to create a gentle foam with an optimal pH of an indicator, which gently cleanses the hair and skin without disrupting the lipid balance. Included in the wheat germ Oil, rich in essential acids Omega 3,6, squalene and vitamin E, perfectly softens and nourishes the hair and the skin, protecting it from moisture loss. Chin Aleut promotes additional nutrient action. White flower wax is absorbed slowly, but creates a thin film that protects the skin and hair from negative environmental influences. Saturated with moisture and vitamins, the hair is healthy and shiny.
0% SLS / SLES, parabens 0%
0% synthetic fragrances and dyes
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