Natura Siberica Exclusive Traditional Siberian Sea Buckthorn Hair Balm 250ml

Natura Siberica Exclusive Traditional Siberian Sea Buckthorn Hair Balm 250ml / 8.45oz

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Traditional Siberian sea buckthorn hair balsam
The volume and fluffiness
Traditional buckthorn balm for hair, rich Siberian Oil deeply nourishes and moisturizes the hair, giving it volume, strength and natural beauty. Clean Oil Altai sea buckthorn contains necessary for the formation of the hair shaft Omega-acid in high concentrations, in combination with flax Oil contributes to the formation of keratin, seals and lifts the hair from the roots without weighing them, facilitates combing process. Nanai Schisandra improves blood circulation of the scalp, stimulating the growth of strong and lush hair. Oil Dahurian wild rose retain moisture in the hair structure, making them more elastic and flexible. Cedar jelly has conditioning effect, nourishes the hair, facilitates combing process. After applying the balm hair get exciting beauty and dizzying volume.
0% SLS / SLES, parabens 0%
0% synthetic fragrances and dyes
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