KLEONA Anti-age Eye Cream Day / Night 15ml

KLEONA Anti-age Eye Cream Day / Night 15ml

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Light and gentle cream restores vitality, youthfulness and elasticity of the skin around the eyes, smoothes existing wrinkles and inhibits the appearance of new ones.
water, shea butter, almond seed oil, coconut oil, olive oil, polyglyceryl-3-methylglucose distearate, extract white tea, macadamia oil, glucose, biomimetic lipopeptide (growth factor), brown algae (fucus) polysaccharides, ocean red algae polysaccharides, galacturonic acid, cholesterol, jojoba oil, Japanese honeysuckle extract, sorbitol, dextran, L-fucose, D-galactose , glyceryl caprylate, allantoin, a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F), tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).
Squeeze the required amount of cream onto your fingertip, apply a thin layer on cleansed eyelid skin with light patting movements.
Use in the morning 20 minutes before applying makeup, in the evening - 40 minutes before bedtime.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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