BTpeel Lamellar eye cream with hyaluronic acid, green tea and peptides - eyelash growth activators 30ml

BTpeel Lamellar eye cream with hyaluronic acid, green tea and peptides - eyelash growth activators 30ml / 1.01oz

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Multifunctional lamellar eye cream. Moisturizes, rejuvenates and strengthens the skin around the eyes, helps to remove puffiness and growth of eyelashes. Can be used for eyebrow growth. Myristoyl hexapeptide-16 in the cream stimulates keratin genes, which contributes to the appearance of new healthy eyelashes. Improves oxygen circulation in the follicles. Accelerates the growth of eyelashes. Myristoyl pentapeptide-17 - stimulates the production of keratin, which forms the structure of the hair. By acting on the hair follicles, the peptide activates the natural growth of eyelashes and strengthens their structure. Eyelashes become thicker. Green tea extract relieves puffiness under the eyes, has a tonic effect. Extracts of horse chestnut, nettle, flax, cornflower and calendula improve the condition and appearance of the skin around the eyes, strengthen blood vessels, and have a pronounced rejuvenating effect.
Hyaluronic acid maintains the water balance of the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles in the eye area. Wheat proteins contain a number of vitamins: B1, B2, B6, E, C, PP and 26 types of minerals. Promote skin regeneration and collagen production. Moisturize the skin and protect the eyelashes from the adverse effects of the environment.
How to use: In the morning and / or evening, on cleansed skin, apply the cream with light massage movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Morning and evening, after removing make-up, apply the cream to the area around the eyes. To apply cream to the lash contour, keep your eyes closed by placing your index finger under the lash line and lift towards the upper eyelid (along the growth of the lashes).
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