MIXIT Fresh Look  Anti-Dark Hydrogel Eye Patches

MIXIT Fresh Look Anti-Dark Hydrogel Eye Patches

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Hydrogel patches against swelling and dark circles with hyaluronic acid relieve signs of fatigue and insomnia, while moisturizing and soothing the skin. Natural components - allantoin, betaine - attract moisture, saturate cells with microelements, ideally coping with swelling and dark circles. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid increases elasticity and firmness, promotes skin cell regeneration. Patches will make your look fresh and rested, and the skin around the eyes will become nourished and moisturized. The size and shape of the patches are specially designed taking into account the anatomical features of the eye contour. Each patch is designed for one use.

How does it work:
Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid deeply and effectively penetrates the skin layers, moisturizes and retains moisture.
Allantoin softens and soothes the skin around the eyes and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
Betaine has moisturizing and strengthening properties, promotes moisture retention.
Irish moss extract has anti-aging and antioxidant effects, maintaining high calcium levels necessary to prevent the signs of aging.
soft and smooth skin;
fresh and rested look;
smoothing out small wrinkles.

Remove the patches from the jar with a special spatula (included), apply to the area under the eyes with the sharp tip to the bridge of the nose, achieve a complete fit. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Remove the patches and allow the remaining active gel to be absorbed into the skin. To enhance the anti-edematous effect and cooling effect, store the package with patches in the refrigerator. Suitable for daily use.

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