ChocoLatte Eye Cream Souffle Delicate against edema, dark circles and wrinkles 30ml

ChocoLatte Eye Cream Souffle Delicate against edema, dark circles and wrinkles 30ml / 1.01oz

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Natural emulsion of cosmetic oils and creams, stabilized with natural waxes, enriched with CO2 extracts.

For delicate skin care of the eyelids, against swelling, dark circles and wrinkles. Intensively nourishes, promotes collagen synthesis, restores skin elasticity, regenerates new skin cells, and corrects wrinkles. Subtle floral-creamy aroma of noble essential oils!

This is a unique highly nutritious product based on cream, a complex of cosmetic oils and herbal decoctions with extracts and essential oils, designed to compensate for the lack of substances necessary for the skin, restore skin functionality, activate metabolic processes and give you true pleasure and “delicious” aromas!

Application: Apply a small amount of cream to the skin of the eyelids with light, patting movements, let it absorb, blot off excess with a napkin.

Ingredients: cream, oils: shea (shea), cocoa, coconut, wheat germ, avocado, jojoba, evening primrose, cedar and sea buckthorn; aqueous extracts: birch, licorice, rose hips, coltsfoot; beeswax (beeswax), lecithin, hyaluronic acid, essential oils: sandalwood, neroli, frankincense, basil, limetta, rose, chamomile and fennel, extracts: rice bran, parsley, aloe vera, lemon zest, ivy, mulberry leaf, sharomix 705 , colloidal silver concentrate, vitamins A, E and C.

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