Ecocraft Multicorrector cream for the skin around the eyes French silk 15ml

Ecocraft Multicorrector cream for the skin around the eyes French silk 15ml / 0.50oz

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Squalane and vitamin B5 nourish, protect and heal the skin around the eyes.
Composition: deionized water with extract of vanilla, extract of white mulberry, emulsion wax, hydrolyzed collagen, hydrolyzed elastin, vegetable squalane, provitamin B5, high and low molecular hyaluronic acid, vegetable glycerin, allantoin, vitamin E, vitamin F, vitamin C, gel aloe Vera, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
Mode of application: lightly apply massaging gently to cleansed face, neck and neckline. Do not use after manual cleansing or scrubs. For a more pronounced effect, it is recommended prior the use of serum for the face ECOCRAFT cosmetics.
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