Mi&ko Eye Cream Chamomile and Lemon 15ml

Mi&ko Eye Cream Chamomile and Lemon 15ml / 0.50oz

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Chamomile & Lemon Cream contains natural ingredients that are leaders in the care of thin, sensitive skin around the eyes. Essential oils of chamomile and lavender will instantly soothe the skin and help relieve tension from facial muscles, while cornflower, parsley and horse chestnut will reduce dark circles and swelling. Lemon will refresh and brighten the skin, and a complex of nourishing oils will provide a rejuvenating and lifting effect.
Main active ingredients:
Blue chamomile essential oil - with its unusually mild, but versatile healing effect, remarkably soothes and smoothes the skin around the eyes. Relieves irritation, strengthens the protective properties of the skin. Relaxes mimic muscles.
Lemon essential oil is a natural elixir of energy: it strengthens and heals the skin, smoothes the microrelief, brightens circles under the eyes. Gives a fresh and even tone.
Rosehip seed oil - actively restores, smoothes crow's feet, slows down the aging process and photoaging. Maintains optimal moisture levels. Gives an even tone & healthy glow.
Wheat germ oil - slows down the aging process, creates an antioxidant barrier and restores skin elasticity. "Revitalizes" mature skin, tightens and restores tired and flabby.
Poppy seed oil - contains up to 30% valuable linoleic acid, which serves as a material for the restoration and protection of skin cells. It is the strongest antioxidant that slows down the aging process. Deeply nourishes mature skin, has a bright lifting effect, promotes the penetration of other active components of the product.
Ingredients: artesian water, neem wax, vegetable glycerin, shea butter, honeysuckle extract, lactic acid, cetyl alcohol, poppy seed oil, wheat germ oil, rosehip seed oil, extracts of Macleia, Lemon, Parsley, Chamomile, Gingo Biloba, Horse Chestnut, cornflower, nettle, sage, essential oils of lavender, geranium, blue chamomile, rose.
Application: Apply a small amount of cream in a thin layer with massaging movements on the skin around the eyes. Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
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