Peptides Revilab Eye-Line Filler №3 15ml

Peptides Khavinson Revilab Eye-Line Filler №3 15ml / 0.50oz

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Eye-line filler – anti-aging filler for skin around the eyes, embodies the latest achievements and technologies in the field of anti-aging. The combination of highly active peptides, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid have a systemic effect on the skin around the eyes, making it look more youthful and healthy, firmer, more hydrated, toned and wrinkles are filled from within. Rich intensive anti-age components, the cream provides not only short-term results, but also cumulative effect. providing anti-aging effect on the skin for a long time.Effect:
visibly reduces the wrinkles,
improves skin elasticity around the eyes,
regenerates and hydrates the skin,
promotes the regeneration,
improves the trophic around the eyes,
militates with premature aging.How to apply:
Use the cream at the morning and evening applying lightly on cleansed skin around the eyes. You should not use the cream in the evening in less than 2 hours before bedtime.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
Modeling face contours

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