Floresan Burdock Oil for strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows 8ml / 0.27oz

Floresan Burdock Oil for strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows 8ml / 0.27oz

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Natural oil for strengthening eyebrows and eyelashes “Burdock” strengthens, nourishes and moisturizes eyelashes and eyebrows. Extracts of burdock, nettle and sea buckthorn awaken the hair follicle, activating eyelash growth immediately after use. A multi-active complex with vitamin E, sea buckthorn, calendula and chamomile strengthens, moisturizes and nourishes eyelashes from root to tip!
Regular use of oil restores the strength and health of eyelashes, making them thick, long and expressive.
Your eyelashes will look seductive and your eyes will be irresistible!
Apply the product once a day along the eyelash and eyebrow line. Before use, wash off decorative cosmetics and remove contact lenses.

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