Antifungal foot cream Mycotrin Clotrimazole + Triclosan + Undecylenic acid 40g

Antifungal foot cream Mycotrin Clotrimazole + Triclosan + Undecylenic acid 40g

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for the care of the skin of the legs (feet). Highly effective product designed to maintain healthy feet. It is recommended for skin mycoses caused by any pathogenic fungal groups; with mycoses of the skin with a secondary infection; as well as to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.
Clotrimazole is able to have an antimycotic effect by inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol in the cell membrane of pathogenic fungi. These properties of clotrimazole can be observed at low concentrations.
Triclosan has protective antimicrobial properties, is widely used in cosmetology, and is recommended in cases where the microbial load on the skin increases: when working in the garden, going out into nature, in hospitals, swimming pools, etc. .
Undecylenic acid, which is part of the Allantoin Zinc Undecelenate complex, disrupts the metabolism of fatty acids and, as a result, the appearance of hyphae - filamentous structures that increase the pathogenicity of the fungus.
Allantoin has a softening and moisturizing effect on the skin, and also stimulates wound healing and cell renewal of the epidermis.
D-panthenol - provitamin B5, prevents the formation of cracks, promotes the renewal of skin cells.
Tea tree oil is a natural complex antibiotic, has an immunostimulating property, pronounced antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral activity.
Menthol - has a cooling effect, which helps reduce irritation and itching.
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