Agafia's Presents Body Scrub Seabuckthorn Anti-Cellulite 250ml

Agafia's Presents Body Scrub Seabuckthorn Anti-Cellulite 250ml / 8.45oz

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The seabuckthorn anti-cellulite body-scrub has a healing and smoothing effect on the skin, and leaves a sunny summer scent on the body.
Grounded with honey golden berries of sea buckthorn are saturated with vitamin C and antioxidants, provide a massage effect and effectively renew the skin, returning it smoothness and elasticity.
Crushed cedar shell contains valuable coniferous gum and calcium, tones up and stimulates the skin's metabolic processes.
Viscous quince juice is rich in fruit acids, smooths the skin and gives tone.
Ingredients: Maris Sal, Organic Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit, Mel, Aqua with infusions of Organic Cydonia Oblonga Juice, Rheum Officinale Extract, Organic Pinus Sibirica Shell Powder, Glycerin, Hippophae Rhamnoides Oil, Coco Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Xanthan Gum, D-panthenol (vitamin B5), Tocopherol (vitamin E), Sodium Ascorbil Phosphate (vitamin C), Benzyl Alcohol, Parfum

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