Agafia's Shampoo Dermatological with Cedar Microcorpuskules 300ml

Agafia's Shampoo Dermatological with Cedar Microcorpuskules 300ml / 10.14oz

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Special dermatological anti-dandruff shampoo with cedar microencapsulated has an active preventive action against dry seborrhea. Concentrated Oil of cedar, enclosed in microcapsules allows the use of its healing properties to maximum effect. Soft hair care, nutrition and heals action provides a unique composition, which includes seven of the Baikal herbs - marshmallow, Bogorodsky grass, nard, Baikal skullcap, lungwort, calamus, borage officinalis, as well as highly active antiseboreyny the component - climbasol (1%). The drug climbasol (Climbazol ®) inhibits the growth of fungi that cause dandruff, prevents its occurrence. Soap root - a natural, more gentle foundation for washing hair, unlike used in conventional shampoos. Dermatologic shampoo is recommended for the prevention of dry seborrhea and to strengthen the hair.
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