Agafia's Laundry soap Cedar 2000ml

Agafia's Laundry soap Cedar 2000ml / 67.62oz

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The soap contains natural cedar oil, a natural component unique in its action, making it perfect not only for all types of household work, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin. Can be used for any household work. It perfectly breaks down fat and removes bacteria, so it is suitable for washing dishes, cleaning all types of surfaces, washing in both hot and cold water, removing unpleasant odors
1. Soap for hand washing: dilute a small amount of soap in 2-3 liters of warm water, wash, rinse well with water.
2. To clean surfaces: apply a small amount of soap to a sponge or contaminated surface, wipe the surface thoroughly, and rinse with water.
3. To wash the floor: add a few drops of soap to 2-3 liters. water, wash the floor, rinse with water.
4. Dishwashing liquid: apply a small amount of gel to a sponge, wash the dishes, rinse with water.

Ingredients: Purified water, <10%: anionic surfactant, nonionic surfactant, cedar essential oil, red soap root extract, cornflower extract, cedar milk, chamomile extract, salt, citric acid, preservative katon.

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