Agafi's Hair Balm Volume and splendor for all types 350ml

Agafi's Hair Balm Volume and splendor for all types 350ml / 11.83oz

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Wheat water, which is part of the balm, gives the hair natural volume, and carefully collected herbs strengthen it from root to tip. Cold-pressed oils improve the structure of the hair without weighing it down and making combing easier.

INCI: Aqua with infusion of Triticum Vulgare Wheat Bran (wheat bran infused water), enriched by oils: Arctium Lappa (burdock oil), Artemisia Absinthium (wormwood oil), Crateegos Monogina (hawthorn oil), Melіlotus Officnalis (melilotus oil), Extracts : Secale Cereale (rye), Tussilago Farfara (coltsfoot), Thymus Serpillum (Bogorodskaya grass), Polygonum Fagopyrum (buckwheat), Tilia Сordata (lime blossom); Cetnmonium Chloride, Cetearyl Alcohol, Guar (from carob), White Beeswax (white beeswax), Flower Wax (flower wax), Pyridoxine HCl (vitamin B6), Lenolenic Acid (vitamin F), Glucosamine (aminosaccharides)‚ Citric Acid, Parfum , Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Benzyl Alcohol.
Hair Type
All hair types
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