Selencin Peptide Active peptide shampoo for men intensive care 200ml

Selencin Peptide Active peptide shampoo for men intensive care 200ml / 6.76oz

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Specialized shampoo for men effectively cleanses hair and provides comprehensive protection and restoration of hair density in androgenetic alopecia (male type). The action of the product is due to the properties of the active components that make up the composition.
PROCAPIL® - an innovative peptide for prolonging the life cycle of each hair combats the aging process of the follicle and prevents hair loss and thinning.
CAFFEINE helps restore healthy and strong hair.
The complex of VITAMINS B3 and E improves capillary blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens hair roots, restores and deeply nourishes hair, increases hair density, and provides hair protection from UV.
EXTRACTS OF SAGE AND BURDOCK LEAVES have a powerful tonic effect, protect hair from brittleness, help to strengthen, prevent hair loss.
MENTHOL not only cleanses the hair, but also gives an invigorating charge of freshness.
Apply a small amount of shampoo to damp hair, massage into lather, leave for a few minutes, rinse with water. Repeat the procedure if necessary. The shampoo is suitable for frequent use and has a pleasant coffee aroma.
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation
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