Meela Meelo Solid Shampoo Lone wolf 85g

Meela Meelo Solid Shampoo Lone wolf 85g

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Solid shampoo with mustard oil and pine needle extract, Siberian fir and juniper essential oils. Designed to normalize sebum secretion, allows you to keep the freshness of the hair longer.
Pine needle extract, mustard oil and essential oils actively fight fungal skin lesions, prevent unpleasant odors and flaking of the scalp, and prevent non-hormonal hair loss. Mustard oil stimulates hair growth and prevents premature graying.
Ingredients: Sodium Cocosulfate, Water, Camelina Sativa Seed Oil, Brassica Nigra Oil Pressed, Black Clay, Chlorophyll-Carotene Pastem, Menthol, Spirulina Maxima Powder, Tocopherol, Abies Sibirica Essential Oil, Juniperus Communis Essential Fruit Oil
Run a bar of shampoo over wet hair several times, lather, rinse hair and scalp. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
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