KLEONA Long Action Hand Cream Sea Buckthorn 100ml

KLEONA Sea Buckthorn Bioactive Hand Cream 100ml / 3.38oz

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If the face is a mirror of the soul, then the hands reflect the state of the body with no less obviousness. Soft, supple, silky, slightly moisturized hand skin is a clear evidence of youth and good health. Well-groomed, well-groomed hands are also an indicator of high social status, psychological stability and financial independence.
Ingredients: water, Shea butter, rice oil, castor oil, cetearyl alcohol, glycerin, avocado oil, lecithin, inulin, cold sea buckthorn berry oil extract, coconut oil, complex of mono-diglycerides of natural fatty acids, potassium lactate, lactic acid, benzyl alcohol, complex of natural polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F), glyceryl caprylate, D-panthenol (provitamin B5), natural honey bee, grapefruit essential oil, orange essential oil, tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E), allantoin, sandalwood essential oil, xanth gum
Apply a small amount of cream to clean hands, massage until completely absorbed. Don't forget your elbows.
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