Udder Cream Zorka Northern berries Floraziline Treatment Skincare 200g

Udder Cream Zorka Northern berries Floraziline Treatment Skincare 200g

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The composition of the cream "Zorka" Northern Berries "with floralizin includes a berry cocktail of blackberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and blueberries, which improves skin elasticity and tone.
The cream has a juicy berry aroma. The application of the cream returns a healthy look to tired skin.
Cream Zorka Northern Berries is intended for daily skin care of the nipples and udders of dairy animals:
facilitates manual milking and prevents the consequences of machine milking
promotes closure of the sphincter of the nipple after milking
solves teat and udder skin problems:
- softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin
- reduces pain and inflammation
- accelerates the healing of small wounds
- prevents the formation of cracks, dryness, peeling and tension of the skin
- protects the skin from chapping

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