Ecocraft Natural serum for hands with hyaluronic acid and vitamins Orange Greece 50ml

Ecocraft Natural serum for hands with hyaluronic acid and vitamins Orange Greece 50ml / 1.69oz

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Natural serum for vitamins and hyaluronic acid  from the first application visibly brightens and improves skin condition: it becomes more supple, hydrated and glowing.
Composition: deionized water, sodium alginate, vegetable squalane, xanthan gum, hydroxyatomoxetine, gel aloe Vera, lactic acid, citric acid, allantoin, coconut oil, Shea butter,vegetable glycerin, provitamin B5, low molecular weight gialuronova acid, vitamin E, vitamin a, vitamin C, vitamin F, sodium benzoate, ethylhexyl glycerin, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
Mode of application: apply the serum on cleansed skin, lightly RUB until completely absorbed. It is possible to use as an independent step of skin care to moisturize the skin or combined use with the hand cream ECOCRAFT cosmetics.
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