Applicator Lyapko Quadro 4,9 Ag

Applicator Lyapko Quadro 4,9 Ag

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Length (cm) - 46
Width (cm) - 10.6
Needle pitch (mm) - 4.9
Number of needles (pcs) - 2044
Base material - rubber for medical purposes
Composition of needles - iron, copper, nickel, zinc, silver
Form - rug
Color - blue, red, orange, green, blue
Warranty period - 12 months
The use of flat applicators is the most optimal way, which does not require additional efforts from the patient and help from others, to reliably and effectively eliminate pain, relieve fatigue, and in the morning recharge with vital energy for the whole day.
The applicator step is selected according to individual skin sensitivity, which does not always depend on age. UALP Quadro 4.9 will be comfortable for children, people with hypersensitivity, delicate skin, thin build.
Applicator Lyapko "Quadro" 4.9 Ag has a needle pitch - 4.9 mm, size - 106x460 mm, number of needles - 2044. If desired, it can be cut longitudinally and / or transversely into 2 or 4 applicators for selective action on separate areas of the body with individual adjustment of the duration of exposure to each applicator.
App features:
Relieves pain in the spine, muscle groups and joints;
Accelerates the processes of recovery and rehabilitation after fractures, operations and injuries;
Fights chronic back and neck pain
2-3 times increases the effect of massage, acupuncture, laser therapy (when used together);
Improves sleep quality, normalizes metabolism and vitality;
It is used to treat sexual functions in men and women.
Method of application It is important to lay the applicator correctly. The main condition for proper styling is the uniform distribution of body weight over the entire surface of the applicator. Never place the applicator on a completely flat surface. To properly lie down on the applicator, it is necessary to accurately model the curves of the spine in the cervical and lumbar regions using pillows and rolled towels.
The time of exposure to the skin depends on the symptoms present in a particular case. For chronic pain, irritability, a state of excitement, insomnia, it is recommended to use Lyapko applicators in the afternoon or before bedtime. The duration of exposure for a flat rug is 25-30 minutes. and more. With an exacerbation of the process, sharp and intense pain, drowsiness, weakness, decreased sensitivity, in debilitated patients and the elderly, the effect is effective in the morning and the first half of the day. The exposure time of the flat device is 10–20 min.
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