KapsOila NovoSlim Body weight control 10 capsules in activator

KapsOila NovoSlim Body weight control 10 capsules in activator

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Essential booster formulation from native complex of plant sap micelles and plant concentrates in an activator medium of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, for fat lipolysis in adipocytes, and weight loss.
10 capsules, 500 mg, in activator
The keto formulation has an anorexigenic effect, i.e. it reduces the desire to eat, and with the activation of fat dissolution, it releases the ketone bodies. This product contributes to:
• Dissolution of fat mass in subcutaneous fat adipocytes;
• Activation of dietary fats lipolysis and prevention of fat accumulation in the subcutaneous layer;
• Weight loss;
• Lowering the glucose levels down;
• Improvement of mental abilities in case of cerebral disorders caused by the death of neurons.
Activator ingredients: High oleic cedar nut oil, astaxanthin, Lake Baikal seal fat, Schizochytrium microalgae oil, artemia oil, laminaria oil, nori seaweed oil, carnosine, egg yolk phospholipids.
Capsule ingredients: Chia seeds concentrate, pineapple concentrate, melon tree concentrate, grapefruit seed concentrate, safflower concentrate, olive concentrate, gymnema concentrate, dandelion root concentrate, corn stigmas concentrate, beans concentrate, strawberry leaf concentrate, artemia concentrate, milk thistle seed concentrate, tomato concentrate, elecampane concentrate, sunflower concentrate, lemongrass concentrate, Fucus vesiculosus concentrate, clover concentrate, celery concentrate, beetroot concentrate, oats concentrate, cinquefoil concentrate, reishi concentrate, blueberry concentrate, chicory concentrate, white cabbage concentrate, dogwood concentrate, lipoic acid concentrate, grape seed concentrate.
Use instructions: Open the flacon, take the contents of the flacon (liquid and the capsule in it) at once, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meal, and drink 100 ml of warm water right after.
Course duration is 30 days. Four courses per year are recommended.
For a quick and effective result, we recommend to reduce the intake of carbohydrates down to 35 g per day.
Clinical studies have demonstrated the body weight decrease by 10 - 15 kg over 16 weeks, if used as recommended and if carbs intake is reduced, with average glucose levels decrease by 1.5 - 2.5 %.
The essential lipid complex of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids has a supplementary extended effect for the functions and condition of the brain, liver, nervous system, stress resistance processes, hormonal balance normalization:
• Prevents the desire to eat caused by stress factor;
• Normalizes the hormonal balance, production of estrogen in women and testosterone in men, prevents the formation of excess weight caused by impaired sensitivity of the hypothalamic structures to hormones;
• Normalizes the balance of low, ultra-low and high-density lipoproteins, prevents pathological changes in the liver (hepatosis);
• Prevents atherosclerotic changes of the cerebral and heart blood vessels;
• Normalizes the blood glucose level;
• Improves physical performance and adaptogenic capabilities of your body;
• Normalizes the sleep and falling asleep;
• Makes capillaries stronger, improves the eyes microcirculation, prevents visual functions deterioration caused by excessive eye strain, impaired cerebral and peripheral circulation;
• Normalizes the psycho-emotional state, prevents emotional lability, anxiety, irritability.
Organic native formulation does not contain artificial substances, genetically modified substances, medicinal substances, hormones, and/or conserving agents. Not addictive. Suitable for long-term use.
Product efficiency does not degrade over time in case of continuous use.
Storage conditions: Keep in place with temperature not exceeding 25 °C, avoid direct sunlight. Do not keep near heat sources.
Suitable for keeping in refrigerator. When stored in a refrigerator, take it out and keep for 1 hour at room temperature before use.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Contraindications: Idiosyncrasy to the product components.
Dosage form: 10 ampoules. One ampoule contains 1 capsule (500 mg) in activator (5 ml).
Activator nutrition facts, g/100 g: Proteins - 0; fats - 100; carbohy-drates - 0; organic acids - 0.
Energy in 100 g: 1200 kcal/5023.2 kJ.
Capsule nutrition facts, g/100 g: Proteins - 2.5; fats - 0; carbohydrates - 1.0; organic acids - 3.5.
Energy in 100 g: 28 kcal/117.2 kJ.
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