KapsOila MicroFlex DUO Maximum Protection of Your Joints 15x4ml

KapsOila MicroFlex DUO Maximum Protection of Your Joints 15x4ml / 0.13oz

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15 ampoules, 4 ml
Plant extracts organic colloidal bioformulation is focused on the formation of natural mechanisms of the synovial fluid composition and chondrocytes division normalization.
This organic complex contains two formulations with different composition and action, for daytime and evening use.
Colloidal formulation of the yellow capsule is for daytime use:
Elimination of puffiness;
Elimination of pain symptom;
Joints mechanical overload reduction;
Joints mobility improvement;
Joints damping properties improvement;
Joints lubricating properties improvement during lateral and rotational movements.
Yellow colloidal formulation ingredients:
Maral antlers glycosaminoglycan (hydrolate), willow concentrate, laurel concentrate, larch concentrate, hawthorn concentrate, penny cress concentrate, burdock concentrate, plantain concentrate, flax seeds concentrate, cedar nuts concentrate, wheat seeds concentrate, peas concentrate, bergenia concentrate, hazel concentrate, fern concentrate, ginseng concentrate, glucosamine hydrochloride, calcium pantothenate, orotic acid, Vitamin PP, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and resveratrol.
Blue capsule colloidal formulation is recommended for nighttime use:
Normalization of the synovial fluid viscoelastic properties;
Chondroblast division activation;
Inflammatory response elimination;
Cartilage tissue homeostatis recovery;
Activation of the synovial fluid synthesis in the articular structure.
Blue colloidal formulation ingredients:
Maral antlers concentrate, harpagophytum concentrate, crowberry concentrate, Jacob's ladders concentrate, lemon balm concentrate, hop concentrate, horsetail concentrate, clover concentrate, St. John's wort concentrate, chestnut concentrate, cinquefoil concentrate, usnea concentrate, wild rose concentrate, lingonberry concentrate, buckwheat concentrate, ferula concentrate, saposhnikovia concentrate, aloe concentrate, birch concentrate, reishi concentrate, artemia concentrate, astaxanthin, Vitamin D, calcium lactate, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate.
Attention! Before use, we recommended to give the ampoule a good shake in order to distribute the spheres in the solution evenly.
Use instructions: Shake well. Open the ampoule. To open, remove the quick-detachable cap, put the drinking tube in, drink the liquid from the ampoule using the tube. Drink all at once. After 10 minutes, drink half a glass of warm water (max 100 ml). We recommend to drink the morning complex in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meal; and drink the evening complex in the evening on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meal. Course duration is 30 days.
The purpose of the drinking tube is to provide the direct entry of the product into your throat, while bypassing the oral cavity, and provide complete digestion of this biologically active complex.
We recommend to use the ampoule with yellow granules before noon.
And we recommend to use the ampoule with blue granules in the evening.
The day and night colloidal bioformulations provide additional comprehensive action on the endocrine system functions, and contribute to:
Endocrine profile normalization;
Prevention of the cartilage tissue destructive processes induced by the endocrine profile imbalance;
Prevention of the bone tissue destructive processes caused by high blood sugar level and thyroid gland functions disorder;
Cells immune functions improvement;
Improvement of the joint fluid, blood, and lymph transport properties;
Improvement of immune functions and body resistance to the endogenous and exogenous adverse exposures;
Digestive processes normalization;
Lipid metabolism normalization, and normalization of metabolic processes related to nutrients digestion;
Body weight normalization; subcutaneous fat reduction.
This complementary composition is the natural components concentrate. It does not contain any conserving agents, hormones, medicinal substances, and/or genetically modified substances. It has no teratogenic effect, and characterized by the supplementary regulating and regenerating action to the nerve fibers, immune functions, skin health, metabolic processes, digestive processes, and psychoemotional status.
This composition is recommended for use when dealing with the destructive processes in the joint of various origin: Injuries, autoimmune processes, endocrine changes, age-related factors, inflammatory and/or infectious disorders that cause arthrosis.
This composition is effective when dealing with inflammatory and metabolic arthrosis, concomitant aggravations, exposure of your joints to high loads due to professional activities, professional sports.
Additional vitamin and mineral ingredients improve the effect of the active complex on the articular structures and recover the vitamin and mineral depot of your body.
Contraindications: Idiosyncrasy to the product components.
Storage conditions: Keep in place with temperature not exceeding 25 °С.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Nutritional facts (ampoule with yellow granules), g/100 g: Proteins - 2.9; fats - 0.1; carbohydrates - 0.5; organic acids - 3.2.
Energy in 100 g: 27.6 kcal/115.53 kJ.
Nutritional facts (ampoule with blue granules), g/100 g: Proteins - 2.9; fats - 0.1; carbohydrates - 1.5; organic acids - 4.2.
Energy in 100 g: 35.6 kcal/149.02 kJ.
Dosage form: 15 ampoules, 4 ml
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