KapsOila BronchiTree Badger fat in activator 10 capsules in activator

KapsOila BronchiTree Badger fat in activator 10 capsules in activator

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Kapsoila BronchiTree is an extraordinary biogenic formulation. This is native purified badger fat in the activator medium (activator) that has anti-thrombotic mechanism of action and normalizes the bronchopulmonary system and blood rheology functions and condition in case of being infected with viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections.
10 capsules, 500 mg, in activator
This biogenic system has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antihypoxic, vasoprotective, and anticoagulant effect when dealing with these health problems:
Inflammatory respiratory process in the bronchial tree caused by viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infection;
Bronchial tree inflammatory process, non-infectious etiology;
Inflammatory process symptoms: Cough, dyspnea, chest pain, sputum production, fever;
Complications on lungs alveoli, pathological conditions;
Lung tissue inflammatory process caused by viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic factors;
Lung tissue idiopathic non-infectious inflammatory process and associated fibrosis;
Complications and side effects of vaccines on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems function and condition;
Vascular microcirculation and hemorheology problems;
Immune response deterioration to exogenous and endogenous adverse factors;
Frequent inflammatory processes;
Blood pressure problems;
Blood vessels and capillaries tonus and permeability problems;
Intoxication caused by impaired blood viscosity and metabolic products accumulation;
Lower respiratory tract obstructive processes.
This native purified badger fat in a capsule form is placed into a lipophilic activator medium consisting of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, enriched with an antioxidant complex. Badger fat and omega environment are synergistic and enhance the effect for inflammatory process treatment.
Capsule ingredients: Purified native badger fat.
Activator ingredients: Amaranth seed oil, milk thistle seed oil, common sea buckthorn concentrate, bean oil, primrose oil, currant oil, borage oil, astaxanthin, carnosine, coenzyme, and resveratrol.
Use instructions (adults and children 12+ years old): Open the flacon. Take the contents of the flacon (liquid and the capsule in it) at once, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meal, 3 times a day, and drink 100 ml of warm water right after. Course is 30 days. Four courses per year are recommended.
In case of an acute inflammatory process, it is recommended to take 4 flacons a day with 3 hour interval. Course is 10 days.
This extraordinary native formulation does not have artificial, genetically modified, and/or medicinal substances, hormones, and/or conserving agents. Not addictive. Hypoallergenic. This product can be used by children 3+ years old.
Use instructions (children 3 to 6 years old): Open the flacon, take the contents of the flacon (liquid and the capsule in it) at once, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meal, once a day, and drink 100 ml of warm water right after. Course is 10 days. Four courses per year are recommended.
Use instructions (children 6 to 12 years old): Open the flacon, take the contents of the flacon (liquid and the capsule in it) at once, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meal, once a day, and drink 100 ml of warm water right after. Course is 20 days. Four courses per year are recommended.
Long-term use (daily for 2 months) is possible for prevention of chronic inflammatory processes and bronchopulmonary system pathology.
Extraordinary biogenic form of the native purified badger fat in the polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids has an additional regulating effect for the nervous, digestive, endocrine, and urogenital systems, and helps to:
Improve the immune system's adaptive and barrier functions;
Improve the cerebral blood circulation, eliminate the hypoxia and dizziness;
Improve the memory and mental alertness;
Improve the cerebral and muscular neurotransmission;
Improve the endurance and physical activity;
Activate the adipose tissue lipolysis process (dissolution), because the formulation has eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic (omega-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids with proven action to reduce the fat in the body and reduce the body weight;
Eliminate the stagnant processes in the digestive system, normalize the motility (with no laxative effect, it only regulates the motility);
Prevent the oxidative processes caused by stress factor and biological factor, preserve the homeostasis and prevent premature aging;
Improve the skin condition by tissue microcirculation activation.
Idiosyncrasy to the product components may occur.
Storage conditions: Keep in place with temperature not exceeding 25 °C, avoid direct sunlight. Do not keep near heat sources.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Capsule nutrition facts, g per 100 g: Proteins - 0; fats - 99.7; carbohydrates - 0; organic acids - 0; dietary fiber - 0.
Energy in 100 g: 1196.0 kcal/5008.13 kJ.
Activator nutrition facts, g per 100 g: Proteins - 13.6; fats - 7; carbohydrates - 68.5; organic acids - 5.5; dietary fiber - 6.7.
Energy in 100 g: 434.4 kcal/1818.4 kJ
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