FITECO Balm of black walnut Nuxaden Antiparasite with chanterelle 100ml

FITECO Balm of black walnut Nuxaden Antiparasite with chanterelle 100ml / 3.38oz

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Ingredients: fruits and leaves of black walnut, chanterelle mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, Saussurea willow, red clover, thyme, elecampane root, centaury, cloves, fennel, ginger, tansy, purified water, residual alcohol up to 0.5%.
Properties: biologically active plant components of the balm have a powerful healing and cleansing effect on the entire body, have a wide range of antiparasitic activity aimed at destroying a wide range of parasites at various stages of their development, cleanse the blood, liver, pancreas, intestines, lungs, genitourinary system from helminths and pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi), carry out a quick detoxification of the body from the products of their decay and vital activity, purify the blood and lymph, neutralize and remove various toxins without causing harm and without causing complications, normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, activate intestinal motility, reduce flatulence, eliminate the manifestation of allergic reactions, stimulate metabolic processes, enrich the depleted body with a complex of trace elements and vitamins, provide fast and effective regeneration of damaged of living tissues destroyed by parasites, increase the body's resistance to helminthic invasions, bacterial, fungal, viral infections, and oncological diseases.
Application: prevention and helminthic invasions: roundworms, pinworms, whipworm, tapeworms (pork, bovine, dwarf), wide tapeworm, echinococcus, opisthorch, etc.; protozoal infections: giardiasis, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.; fungi: all types of candida, cryptococci, penicillium; herpes virus; intoxication caused by the vital activity of parasites; allergies; the presence of chronic diseases and their frequent exacerbations; disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system; anemia; housekeeping, contacts with animals; oncology (in the schemes of complex antitumor treatment, radiation chemotherapy).
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation.
Black walnut has a wide spectrum of action, powerful antiparasitic, antifungal properties are provided by juglone - a unique biologically active substance of black walnut, a natural antibiotic that eliminates the growth and development of bacteria, viruses, fungal microorganisms, has a pronounced antihelminthic effect (relieves blood, intestines, liver and all organism from parasites and their larvae). Due to the high content of quinones, essential oils and bitter glycosides, black walnut has a detrimental effect on sexually mature and intermediate stages of helminths (roundworms, pinworms, etc.), a depressing effect on protozoa (Giardia, Trichomonas, Toxoplasma, etc.), as well as pathogens of candidiasis, scabies. Bitter glycosides stimulate bile formation and biliary excretion, improving intestinal motility and helping to remove parasites to the outside.
Chanterelle mushrooms, unlike other mushrooms, do not absorb radioactive substances, contribute to the removal of poisons and toxins from the body, have strong antiparasitic and anthelmintic properties, help to easily get rid of any helminthic invasions, kill both the helminths themselves and their eggs, dissolve the protective outer shell of eggs and cysts , which leads to their rapid death, effectively affects liver enzymes, and has a depressing effect on the hepatitis virus.
Pumpkin (seeds) - most effective against various tapeworms, pinworms, have a choleretic and laxative effect, helps to remove parasites from the intestines, normalize metabolism, and have a hepetoprotective effect.
Saussurea willowleaf destroys the cell membranes of Giardia, Trichomonas, Ascaris, Toxoplasma, is effective against protozoa, especially Giardia, improves the intestinal microflora, suppresses pathogenic bacteria, strengthens local immunity, eliminates the symptoms of dysbacteriosis, stool disorders and allergic phenomena.
Red clover - has an antiseptic, analgesic, vitamin, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic, wound healing, anti-carcinogenic, hemostatic effect. Promotes active detoxification of the body, under the influence of the substances that make up its composition, slags and toxins are removed from the body, the blood vessels and liver are cleansed, the outflow of bile is improved, and the normal functioning of the intestine is restored.
Thyme (creeping thyme) contains essential oil, has a bactericidal effect on coccal flora, is active against pathogenic fungi, tapeworms and whipworm.
Elecampane root contains essential oil, which has an excellent anthelmintic effect. Useful properties of elecampane, which gave the name to the plant, because there are exactly nine of them: choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, antimicrobial, diuretic, stimulating appetite, improving metabolism, expectorant, antitumor.
Centaury contains bitter glycosides and alkaloids, promotes wound healing, alleviates unpleasant
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