FITECO Balm of black walnut Nuxaden with dihydroquercetin Antitoxin 100ml

FITECO Balm of black walnut Nuxaden with dihydroquercetin Antitoxin 100ml / 3.38oz

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Ingredients: saltwort, leaf, black walnut pericarp, burdock root, dandelion root, couch grass root, turmeric, clover, fennel, chitosan, dihydroquercetin (Daurian larch extract), purified water, residual alcohol up to 0.5%.
So many toxins and toxins enter our body that it is not able to cope with them on its own. This is especially true after deworming, taking antibiotics and a large number of drugs, tumor processes. The herbs included in the composition have a mild laxative, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiparasitic and detoxic effect. Biologically active substances of plants are able to eliminate signs of intoxication after deworming, in case of poisoning of the body (drug, alcohol, narcotic). They bind and remove toxic substances of various origins: allergens, viral and bacterial toxins, salts of heavy metals, drug residues, purify the blood from the decay products of tumors and the vital activity of parasites. They contribute to the protection and restoration of liver cells, are effective in acute and chronic liver damage of any etiology, have a healing effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract, and improve food digestion.
Both independent and additional means are effective for: detoxification of the body after deworming; to restore all organs and systems affected by parasitic effects; in case of poisoning, incl. medicines, chemotherapy, radiation; in the complex therapy of malignant and benign neoplasms; with violations of the functions of the liver and pancreas; allergies, skin problems; living in environmentally unfavorable conditions.
Combined use with cream suppositories "NUKSADEN ANTITOXIN" increases efficiency.
Plant components that effectively complement and enhance the beneficial properties of each other have an impact on the body.
Black walnut is a powerful antioxidant and natural immunomodulator, activates the body's defenses, increases resistance to viral, infectious and oncological diseases, restores internal energy balance, promotes a comprehensive cleansing of the body from parasites and their metabolic products, toxins, toxins and other harmful substances, stimulates metabolic processes. processes, reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
Solyanka hill - improves metabolic processes in the body, activates the work of the liver, kidneys, pancreas.
Burdock root - removes toxins, cleanses the blood and lymph, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
Dandelion root - activates the choleretic function of the body, relieving constipation and intestinal parasites.
Wheatgrass root restores disturbed metabolism.
Turmeric helps the body fight bacteria, viruses, and fungus. normalizes the work of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, helping to improve the processes of digestion.
Fennel - promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, eliminates bloating, increased gas formation, has a carminative effect (aspartic acid).
Red clover has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, choleretic, diuretic properties, helps to remove toxic substances from the body.
Chitosan is a non-toxic natural sorbent obtained from the chitin of arthropod shells (King crab, shrimp). Removes a wide range of compounds from the body (fats, cholesterol, bile acids, heavy metals, radionuclides, allergens, food toxins, aldehydes and alcoholic fusel oils, bacterial toxins, carcinogens).
Dihydroquercetin - has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic properties.
Adults take orally 3 times a day, 2.5 ml, with a small amount of water, for 30 minutes. before meals or after 30 minutes. after meal. if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The duration of admission is 28 days. If necessary, repeat the courses, taking a break of 10 days.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation, children under 12 years of age.
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