ArtLife Enzyme complex Biocascade 180 tablets

ArtLife Enzyme complex Biocascade 180 tablets

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"Biocascade Enzyme Complex" contains optimal dosages of enzymes of plant and animal origin. Enzymes improve the functioning of the digestive system, increase the bioavailability of nutrients, reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. The high bioavailability of enzymes is ensured by the high-tech technology of a multistructural tablet, which allows you to start a cascade of enzyme reactions in the body.
Complex mechanism of action
Enzymes contribute to a more complete breakdown of food and its assimilation, accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body, support the immune system, optimize the anti-inflammatory response, control the processes of respiration and blood circulation.
Zinc activates the action of enzymes, prevents hypoxia.
Echinacea, licorice enhance the immunomodulatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of enzymes.
Rutin strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their permeability to pathogens of various diseases.
1 tablet weighing 580 mg contains:
Pancreatin 30 mg
Trypsin 30 mg
Papain 30 mg
Echinacea extract 25 mg
Licorice extract 20 mg
Superoxide dismutase 20 mg
Bromelain 10 mg
Bile dry 8 mg
Rutin 8 mg
Lactase 7 mg
Catalase 7 mg
Protease 7 mg
Lipase 7 mg
Sucrase 6.5 mg
Ribonucleic acid 6 mg
Deoxyribonucleic acid sodium salt 6 mg
Amylase 5 mg
Pepsin 5 mg
Zinc oxide 4 mg
Renin 2 mg
Maltase 2 mg
Chymotrypsin 1 mg
Recommendations for use
Dosage: Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day. Hold the tablet in your mouth for 10-15 seconds before swallowing.
Taking 3 tablets (recommended daily dose) will provide:
hydroxycinnamic acids - 2.25 mg - 22%,
glycyrrhizic acid - 6 mg - 60%,
zinc - 9.6 mg - 80%,
routine - 24 mg - 80% of the recommended daily requirement.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.
Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
with dysfunctions in the digestive system
in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases
as part of overweight correction programs
to improve nutrient absorption
Ingredients: Pancreatin, trypsin, papain, echinacea extract, licorice extract, superoxide dismutase, bromelain, dry bile, rutin, lactase, catalase, protease, lipase, sucrase, ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid sodium salt, amylase, pepsin, zinc oxide, renin, maltase, chymotrypsin.
Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, collicut, primellose, kollidone, maltodextrin (carriers); propylene glycol, calcium stearate, aerosil (anti-caking agents); chlorophyllin copper complex (color), natural mint flavor, sucralose (sweetener)
Mode of application
Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day. Hold the tablet in your mouth for 10-15 seconds before swallowing. The duration of admission is 1 month.
Indications for use
To improve digestion in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, hepatitis.
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of various etiologies
As an aid to increase the success of treatment in autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)
Prevention and treatment of postoperative complications (inflammatory processes, adhesive disease)
With various allergic skin reactions, dermatitis, acne.
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