Retinalamin polypeptides of the eye retina 5mg x 10pcs

Retinalamin polypeptides of the eye retina 5mg x 10pcs

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— compensated primary open-angle glaucoma;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- post-traumatic and post-inflammatory central retinal dystrophy;
— central and peripheral tapetoretinal abiotrophy.
Tissue regeneration stimulator, peptide bioregulator.
It has a stimulating effect on photoreceptors and cellular elements of the retina, improves the functional interaction of the pigment epithelium and the outer segments of photoreceptors in dystrophic changes, accelerates the restoration of light sensitivity of the retina.
Normalizes vascular permeability, stimulates reparative processes in diseases and injuries of the retina.
1 vial - a complex of polypeptide fractions of the retina of the eyes of cattle or pigs 5 mg
Excipients: glycine (17 mg).
The drug is administered parabulbarno or intramuscularly at 5-10 mg 1 time / day for 5-10 days. If necessary, repeat the course after 3-6 months.
Solution preparation rules
The contents of the vial are dissolved in 1-2 ml of a 0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine), water for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution.


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