VEGETOnorm Oil matrix technology (prevention of vegetovascular disorders) 400 capsules

VEGETOnorm Oil matrix technology (prevention of vegetovascular disorders) 400 capsules

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VEGETO-NORM is an oil matrix from medicinal plants for prevention of vegetative-vascular disorders.
Oil matrix extracts ACTIVE LIFE - in soft gelatin capsules are acoustic extracts from medicinal plants, enriched by innovative technology with antioxidants - Quercetin, Lycopene and Astaxanthin to improve cellular metabolism.
1. Medicinal plants are immersed in oils, ultrasound is fed into the container, which shakes the molecules of useful substances and pushes them out of the plants. The output is an acoustic extract that is three to five times more concentrated than cold-pressed oils.
2. The obtained acoustic extracts are enriched every hour with a certain percentage of antioxidant catalysts, which form new molecular bonds with acoustic extracts from plants, increasing the effectiveness of the obtained new healing compounds by another THREE times. The process lasts about a day, as a result of which strong matrix extracts are obtained for the improvement of the cells of the human body.
vegetative--vascular disorders of various types:
cardiological - causeless decrease or increase in pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
neurotic, with disorders of mood, sleep, anxiety, sudden feeling of fear;
respiratory, when there is a feeling of lack of air, a lump in the throat, coughing;
associated with the thermoregulation of the body, causeless subfebrile temperature, sweating;
intestinal cramps, diarrhea, nervous stool disorder.
reduction of factors causing vegetovascular dysfunctions:
dishormonal - adolescence, menopause, taking contraceptives
acute and chronic psycho-emotional stress and neurotic disorders
brain diseases - Parkinson's disease, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, consequences of craniocerebral trauma and others
other somatic diseases - gastritis, pancreatitis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis
Oil matrixes - hazelnut, viburnum, peony, wheat germ, red rowanberry, cedar nuts, grapefruit, matrix-forming antioxidants: quercetin, astaxanthine and lycopine.
Method of application:
5 capsules 2 times a day in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and in the evening 1.5 hours before bedtime with 0.5 glass of water.
Reception course - 40 days x 10 capsules = 400 capsules.
Frequency of application - 2-3 times a year.
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