NEPHROnorm Oil matrix technology (comprehensive kidney health support) 400 capsules

NEPHROnorm Oil matrix technology (comprehensive kidney health support) 400 capsules

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NEPHRO-NORM is an oil matrix from medicinal plants for the prevention of kidney diseases.
Oil matrix extracts ACTIVE LIFE - in soft gelatin capsules are acoustic extracts from medicinal plants, enriched by innovative technology with antioxidants - Quercetin, Lycopene and Astaxanthin to improve cellular metabolism.
Oil matrices from medicinal plants allow you to create complexes that are unique in their softness and confidence. They slowly and gradually, without sudden changes, saturate all cells with the natural microsubstances they need.
All cells receive caring and comprehensive nutrition of the organ or tissue. They, like a strong glue, “glue” damaged areas with biologically active oil matrices, after which they create a reliable protective shell around the restored cell, creating a healthy frame of organs.
1. Medicinal plants are immersed in oils, ultrasound is fed into the container, which shakes the molecules of useful substances and pushes them out of the plants. The output is an acoustic extract that is three to five times more concentrated than cold-pressed oils.
2. The obtained acoustic extracts are enriched every hour with a certain percentage of antioxidant catalysts, which form new molecular bonds with acoustic extracts from plants, increasing the effectiveness of the obtained new healing compounds by another THREE times. The process lasts about a day, as a result of which strong matrix extracts are obtained for the improvement of the cells of the human body.
prevention of kidney disease in case of: inflammation, hypothermia, infections, influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, chronic lack of rest, bladder overflow;
with edema of various origins;
as an auxiliary for high blood pressure, glaucoma;
with prostatitis, adenoma;
cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
with urolithiasis;
with renal failure;
with hydronephrosis;
prolapse of the kidneys;
with gout.
removal of inflammation, cleansing of cells and intercellular space of the kidneys;
improving the filtering and detoxifying functions of the kidneys;
relieving spasms, expanding the ducts and improving urine output without leaching potassium and sodium;
improving kidney function in maintaining the balance of minerals and nutrients in the blood, hormone production, pressure control;
normalizes the formation of red blood cells, preventing anemia;
promotes the removal of edema;
enhances the excretion of uric acid.
Ingredients: Oil matrixes of watermelon, cornel, cowberry, pumpkin, grape seed, strawberry, corn straw, matrix-forming antioxidants: Quercetin, Astaxanthine and Lycopine.
Method of application:
5 capsules 2 times a day in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and in the evening 1.5 hours before bedtime with 0.5 glass of water.
Reception course - 40 days x 10 capsules = 400 capsules.
Frequency of application - 2-3 times a year.
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