Green Voice Chitosan complex with cherry 100g / 0.22lb

Green Voice Chitosan complex with cherry 100g / 0.22lb

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The chitosan complex with cherries is necessary in the autumn-spring period for the prevention of colds, allergic reactions and vitamin deficiency. Useful for weakened immune systems. Contains a large amount of minerals and vitamin C.

The chitosan complex with cherries prevents the attachment (adhesion) of microbes and viruses to the cells of the body, starting from the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the production of interferon and the proliferation of leukocytes and phagocytes.

A special property of food grade chitosan is the stabilization and improvement of the absorption of vitamin C. Vitamin C is the most powerful natural inducer of interferon, the main link in antiviral defense.

The source of vitamin C in Chitosan Complex with Cherry is cherry and black currant. Blackcurrant ranks second in vitamin C content after rosehip. Along with vitamin C, black currants contain a large amount of bioflavonoids, including anthocyanins.

Cherries are richest in bioflavonoids, anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins. Anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins help vitamin C penetrate the body's cells.

By suppressing free radical oxidation, bioflavonoids strengthen the body's natural protective barriers, from the mucous membranes to the cell wall.

Blackcurrant phytoncides, enhanced with chitosan monomers, are active against Staphylococcus aureus, Candida, mold fungi, pathogens of dysentery and diphtheria.

Blackcurrant powder in combination with chitosan oligochites is detrimental to viral infection. Dry cherry powder with chitosan monomers is active against pathogens of purulent infections - staphylococci and streptococci, as well as dysentery bacillus.

Finally, Jerusalem artichoke powder is a universal “brush” that removes microbes and viruses, as well as their “remains” from the body.

Ingredients: Chitosan complex: (chitosan + chitosan oligomers, chitosan D-glucosamine), cherry juice, erythritol, dried blackcurrant juice, Jerusalem artichoke powder. cherry powder.

Recommended intake: 6-8 pieces per day. Take at any convenient time, chewing thoroughly. Not related to food intake. It can be taken either as a one-time dose of the entire recommended amount or throughout the day.

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