ALMAG-01 magnetic therapy device with a traveling pulsed field

ALMAG-01 magnetic therapy device with a traveling pulsed field

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The magnetic therapy device using a traveling pulsed field is intended for the treatment of a number of diseases in inpatient, outpatient and home settings:
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
Injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcer.
Bronchial asthma.
For joint diseases.
For muscle injuries, dislocations, sprains and hematomas
For vegetative-vascular dystonia
For pancreatitis, gastritis and ulcers
For bronchial asthma
ALMAG-01 is a simple and proven physiotherapeutic device.
For more than 20 years it has been used for treatment and rehabilitation using magnetic fields in home and clinical settings.
Designed for therapeutic effects on the human body using a pulsed traveling magnetic field for the treatment of radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, including elderly people suffering from chronic diseases or periodically experiencing spasmodic and other pain.
ALMAG-01 enhances intracellular and intercellular metabolism, restores the electromagnetic parameters of cells, thereby helping to restore impaired body functions. Reduces spasms, reduces discomfort.
Reduces blood viscosity and opens additional capillaries. More oxygen and nutrients reach the diseased organ, and harmful substances are eliminated faster. Resolves edema and swelling.
Increases blood circulation several times. Stimulates the body's defense systems and prevents the progression of the disease. Reduces the sensitivity of peripheral nerve receptors. Relieves pain.
It has a beneficial effect on immunocompetent organs (thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, etc.), improves blood quality and significantly improves the general condition of the body.
Stimulates inhibition processes, has a calming, sedative effect. Normalizes heartbeat, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, restores healthy sleep.
Many clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness of the device in treating a wide range of diseases.
Almag 01 has high medical effectiveness due to the pulsed magnetic field.
Depending on the stage of the disease, improvement occurs either from the first sessions of use or after a course of treatment.
mains power supply - 220 V, frequency - 50 Hz, current - 5A; power - 35 VA weight - 620 g dimensions of the electronic unit - 137x60x45mm, coil - diameter 9 cm, thickness - 1.5 cm; number of coils - 4; amplitude induction index - 20 mT; pulse duration - 1.5 - 2.5 ms; pulse movement frequency - 6Hz; when turned on, a light alarm is triggered; works without changing characteristics - 6 hours; 20 minutes of work, then 10 minutes of rest; automatically turns off after 20-22 minutes of operation;

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