Dr. Arsenin Lisati Lysates HEPOFILTER 60 capsules

Dr. Arsenin Lisati Lysates HEPOFILTER 60 capsules

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The new Russian product “HEPOFILTER” is an integrated approach to liver health.
The lysates used in the complex represent the newest generation of metabiotics - a substrate based on mechanically crushed bacteria - representatives of beneficial human microflora. The lysates do not contain live probiotic microorganisms, but contain unique substances - products of the activity of beneficial microbes. The complex has a powerful immunomodulatory antitumor, endocrine, anti-inflammatory, and antipathogenic effect. Lysates promote better absorption of minerals, vitamins and bioactive substances, enhancing the effect of all components of the complex.
Vitamins and minerals are vital for the functioning of your liver, but the active components of the “GEPOFILTER” complex also significantly enhance the effect.
Amino acids will ensure important chemical processes in hepatocytes, but also, in combination with taurine, will prevent the development of encephalopathy - brain damage that occurs with liver disease.
Milk thistle and solyanka are the most famous hepatoprotective plants. They contain about 2000 valuable and unique substances that will restore cells, relieve inflammation, and suppress autoimmune processes in your liver.
Artichoke, corn silk and immortelle will restore the flow of bile within 3-4 days, eliminate inflammatory diseases of the biliary system and prevent the development of cholelithiasis.
Chitosan is a natural sorbent; from the very first use it will begin to remove toxins and reduce the allergic and autoimmune background of the body.
Inulin helps lower blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels, and nourishes and strengthens the heart muscle.
Lecithin is a complex of phospholipids - vital building materials for liver cells. Betaine will trigger the processes of restoration of hepatocyte cell membranes.
Mare's milk will provide you with valuable immune proteins and peptides, enhancing the effect of lysates

for the prevention and complex therapy of hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, liver cirrhosis;
when undergoing a course of chemotherapy, antibiotics, pharmacotherapy or antiparasitic therapy;
for chronic and acute intoxication (poisoning);
for chronic inflammatory, autoimmune, metabolic diseases;
for liver injuries.
Recommendations for use: 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals.

Course of admission: 1 month or more if necessary.

Composition of the capsule contents: L-aspartic acid, inulin, lysates of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium adolescentis), chitosan, corn silk extract , Mare's milk powder, taurine, milk thistle extract, artichoke extract, Lecithin*, L-carnitine, Solyanka holmovaya extract, Vitamin-mineral premix (calcium lactate, magnesium oxide, vitamin C (sodium ascorbate), iron sulfate, vitamin E (tocopherol acetate ), zinc oxide, vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), vitamin A (retinol acetate), vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate), choline, inositol, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), beta-carotene, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, chromium picolinate, sodium selelit, potassium iodate, vitamin B9 (folic acid), sodium molybdenate, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)), L-ornithine, betaine, immortelle extract, calendula extract, thyme extract, anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide).
Capsule shell composition: gelatin.

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