Cosmetic cream Delta-sleep 50ml

Cosmetic cream Delta-sleep 50ml / 1.69oz

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Delta-sleep is a peptide inducer of the delta sleep phase in the form of a cosmetic cream. Provides better quality and deeper sleep, improves recovery during sleep.

The delta sleep phase peptide inducer is a natural substance that is produced in our body and is present in the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, limbic system and some other tissues. The structure includes a sequence of 9 amino acids.

Delta sleep (deep, slow-wave sleep) is considered one of the most important stages of sleep. During this phase, the body is fully restored, all processes are normalized, cells are regenerated, and the immune system is strengthened. The body relaxes and neutralizes the effects of stress factors. The brain processes all information received during wakefulness, distinguishes what is necessary and unnecessary, and restores consciousness and subconsciousness.
The presence of the delta phase in the sleep structure allows a person to wake up alert and energetic, feel good in the morning and throughout the day.
A deficiency in this phase is evidenced by a deterioration in overall physical and mental well-being, a decrease in memory, attention and other cognitive abilities, and a longer recovery after physical activity. Also, a lack of delta sleep may be associated with weight gain, deterioration of coordination, premature aging, and frequent infectious diseases.

Delta-sleep cosmetic cream is recommended for people with sleep disorders and insomnia. It has a modulating effect on the functions of sleep and wakefulness, helps normalize the circadian rhythm, and exhibits a neurotropic, relaxing, anti-stress effect. A sufficient amount of deep sleep is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other nervous system disorders.

What makes our delta-sleep peptide complex product unique is that, thanks to its liposomal form, it enters the body transdermally rather than by injection. This form ensures high bioavailability of the peptide, convenience and ease of dosing, simple and painless use.

You can learn more about Delta-Sleep cream from the article and podcast by Vladimir Fokin.

Options for combining Delta-Son cream with our other products are shown in the table at the link

Directions for use: Apply the contents of three pumps of the dispenser to the skin of the face or hands immediately before bedtime.
One bottle contains 140 pumps.

Ingredients: water, sunflower phospholipids, gelling agent (carbopol), peptide complex Trp–Ala–Gly–Gly–Asp–Ala–Ser–Gly–Glu.
Packaging: dark glass bottle with dispenser.
Storage conditions and periods: store at temperatures from 1 to 25 °C, protecting from direct sunlight. Shelf life – 2 years.

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