Nanopep NEMOREX Spray peptides for immunity 20ml / 0.67oz

Nanopep NEMOREX Spray peptides for immunity 20ml / 0.67oz

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Nemorex spray is a new generation drug based on an innovative formula for strengthening and enhancing immunity.
Helps strengthen the body's protective functions, especially effective during epidemics (including viral ones, including COVID-19);
Targets the cells of the thymus (immune gland);
Scientifically proven effectiveness of peptide bioregulators, without side effects, rejection by the body, addiction or withdrawal effects;
Physiological. Innovative formula to increase and strengthen immunity;
Peptide bioregulators KHAVINSON PEPTIDES®.
Mechanism of action
Nemorex affects the functioning of the immune system at the cellular level:
strengthens the immune system;
increases the body’s protective functions against COVID-19, colds, acute respiratory viral infections and other viral diseases;
promotes faster recovery after severe infections (including viral infections, including COVID-19), chemotherapy, treatment (including antibiotics);
enhances the effectiveness of drug therapy;
prevents chronic diseases with frequent exacerbations;
promotes recovery and prevention before and after COVID-19.
Additional functions:
helps slow down aging;
promotes the regeneration process after operations, the post-traumatic period and treatment, including the use of antibiotics, during the rehabilitation period after a heart attack and stroke;
accelerates wound healing;
has antioxidant and anti-stress properties.

Spray the spray 3 times under the tongue 2 times a day before meals in the morning and afternoon for 20 days.
For prevention, it is recommended to repeat the course every 4-6 months.
For people with severe pathology - every 3 months.

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