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PhytoFungoPharm Suppositories Rectofit 4 fungal-viral 2g x 10pcs

PhytoFungoPharm Suppositories Rectofit 4 fungal-viral 2g x 10pcs

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Ingredients (homeopathic): propolis extract, juniper oil, fir, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender medicinal herbs - maclea, kavira, betulin, dihydroquercetin, chitosan, bamboo flavones, sea buckthorn oil, black cumin. The base of the candles is cocoa butter.

Properties: have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and also due to betulin and dihydroquercetin, antitumor, wound-healing properties.


In 2021, the journal of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Science from First Hand” published a message that specialists from the Novosibirsk Center “Vector” revealed the effectiveness of aqueous extracts of chaga (birch mushroom) in suppressing SARS-CoV-2. The Institute has filed a patent application “Chaga contains betulin, which it sucks from birch bark.” We have known about the antiviral and antitumor properties of betulin for a long time, and in 2012 we filed and received a patent as invention No. 2470659 (as “Rectofit” suppositories where betulin, as antitumor and antiviral, was in the composition of the suppositories. Simultaneously with the message of the Novosibirsk Center “Vector” ", Federal State Budgetary Institution "Influenza Research Institute named after A.A. Smorodintsev of the Ministry of Health of Russia, made the following sensational report that dihydroquercetin enhances the antiviral properties of drugs, including betulin, according to the Methodological Recommendations of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Influenza Research Institute" to enhance the antiviral effect in coronavirus infection. The use of dihydroquercetin is recommended.

In 2018 we received a patent as invention No. 2699227, for “FungoFit” suppositories, where the suppositories contained both “Betulin” and “Dihydroquercetin”, as well as polysaccharides of mushrooms, including Chaga, etc. So, two leading scientific centers , officially confirmed high efficiency, especially in a pair (Betulin and Dihydroquercetin), which we have been using for a long time.

Application: for inflammatory (prostatitis), cystitis, genital herpes, candidiasis, thrush, fungal infections of the genital area, adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis caused by – (E.faecalis, S.pyogenes, S.epidermidis, P.vulgaris, K.pneumoniae , S.aureus and E.coli.) viral infection (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus)

Anal application: prostatitis, cystitis, herpes, candidiasis, thrush At night, do a cleansing micro enema of the rectum. After the procedure, open one suppository from the shell and insert it into the anus, i.e. into the rectum. This procedure should be carried out at night before going to bed. (Enhanced treatment) - in the morning after natural bowel movement, another suppository is inserted. And so on for 30 days, 2 times a day. Cleansing micro-enemas can be with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, etc.)

Candles should be stored on the refrigerator door. Before use, free the candle from the shell; to do this, use nail scissors to cut the candle along the edge, freeing it from the shell, or tear it into two parts.

Before opening the candle, it should be on the refrigerator door.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to bee products, pregnancy, lactation, allergies to essential oils and herbs.

The drug "Rectofit No. 4", a health-improving traditional medicine. It is recommended to consult a specialist.

The course of application is 3-6 months.

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